There are a lot of factors that can affect the ethylene cracking, among them, the stock nature is the most pronounced effect. 影响乙烯裂解结果有许多因素,其中原料特性是最重要的影响因素。
The results show that cracking properties of NGL are much better than those of naphtha and NGL is a high quality cracking stock for producing ethylene. 结果表明:凝析油的裂解性能优于石脑油,是制乙烯的一种优质原料。
It also gives a detailed analysis of properties of various kinds of stock and cracking yield status, which has strong reference significance to increase the source of cracked stock in similar units. 详细分析了各种原料的性质和裂解收率情况,对于同类装置增加裂解原料来源具有较好的借鉴意义。
Tests show that rubber oil can be obtained with KT solvent refining, and the by-product can be used as catalytic cracking stock. 通过实验证明,KT液溶剂精制工艺能生产出橡胶用油,其副产物抽余油可作为催化裂化原料。
The cracking stock makeup, running period of plant, energy consumption, and their effects on the production cost are analyzed. 对裂解原料结构、装置的运行周期和能耗及其对乙烯生产成本的影响进行了分析。
Soaking by ordinary means → kneading → cracking germination hole → speeding up bud Culture practice of 3 years proved that the three combinations mentioned above were suitable to seed disposal of Yunnan black seed squash which were used as graft stock of cucumber 常规温汤浸种→揉搓→嗑嘴→催芽。通过3年的生产实践证明,这3种处理组合适合于作为黄瓜嫁接砧木的云南黑籽南瓜种子的处理
The paper describes the influences of cracking stock on the cost of production of ethylene and puts forward the methods for realizing the tertiary optimization of raw materials and enlarging the total economic results. 论述了裂解原料对乙烯生产成本的影响,提出了实现原料三级优化、扩大总体经济效益的方法。
The main properties of naphtha, diesel fuel fractions, catalytic cracking feed stock and residua from these crudes are also listed. 文中并列出了各种重质原油的汽油、柴油、催化裂化原料及渣油的主要性质。
The inspection result shows that the defects of surface cracking, etc. can be found effectively with the magnetic memory technology, and the possibility of damage on rolling stock wheel web plate holes can be predicted. 检测结果表明,磁记忆技术可以有效地发现表面裂纹等缺陷,并且能对铁道车辆车轮辐板孔产生破坏的可能性进行预测。
Thermal cracking experiments of coking stock from Shengli Refinery were conducted at different temperatures ranged from 430 ℃ to 470 ℃. 在430~470℃的温度范围内进行了胜利焦化渣油的热反应实验。
Through the test and comparison of ethylene cracking of hydrogenated delayed coking gasoline and regular grade straight-run gasoline, it is showed that the former can be used as ethylene stock. 通过对延迟焦化汽油加氢后与普通直馏汽油的乙烯裂解试验和比较,延迟焦化汽油加氢后可以作乙烯原料。